Stress Management Techniques for Teens

podcast Jul 25, 2023

This is Going to Be FUN: the Podcast

Episode 57: Stress Busters: 7 Ways to Support Your Teen



Episode Summary:

Stress Management Techniques for Teens

The start of a new school year is usually full of excitement and anticipation for our teens. But new schedules, teachers, friends and activities can also be really stressful for them.

If your teen seems more anxious, overwhelmed, snarky, angry or annoyed by everything, there is a good chance that they are stressed-out!

While you can’t do much to alleviate the causes of their stress, there are some things you can do to help. Try these 7 strategies to help your teen manage stress and help them learn healthy ways to cope with stress in the long run.

Want more ideas to help your teen manage stress? Join the ENJOY community and get instant access to all the resources inside.

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Stress Management Techniques for Teens Going Back to School

The start of a new school is full of possibilities and excitement for most kids. They are excited to see their friends again, get back into sports and extracuriculars and – though they would never admit it – they are probably ready for a little more structure and routine. 

But, if your kids are anything like mine, the start of school also brings a whole lot of stress for your teen. They’re facing the uncertainty of a new schedule, new classes, new teachers, and the potential for making new friends.

They’re putting themselves out there trying out for sports teams, student council, clubs and may end up dealing with the disappointment of not getting into the classes they wanted or not being in the same lunch period as their friends.

They need some stress management techniques before things start to get overwhelming.

Often, as parents, we tend to forget just how big a deal the start of a new school year is for our kids. But, you know what? This jump in stress for our kids isn’t all doom and gloom. In fact, it’s a great chance for us parents to step up and show them we’ve got their back. 

It’s a time to show them that we’re not just their biggest fans, but also their biggest supporters. And hey, it’s the perfect time to equip them with some the skills and tools they need to help them deal with life’s stressful situations, both now and in the future.


Is your teenager stressed-out?

Stress has a remarkable way of revealing itself through symptoms that we might not immediately associate with it – especially in teens. It can spark irritability, fatigue, a lack of motivation, and scatter-brained moments. 

In extreme cases, the lower brain (the part responsible for our fight, flight, or freeze responses) takes the reins, limiting access to the reasoning and problem-solving parts of our brain.


Symptoms of stress

So, how can we tell if our teens are feeling stressed-out? You might observe them growing less patient and more prone to anger. They might be hesitant to participate in family activities or hang out with friends. They might complain of trouble sleeping, exhaustion, recurring headaches or stomach aches. And a sure sign could be that they are suddenly super annoyed by EVERYTHING you say and do. 

However, it’s crucial to understand that stress, like any feeling, originates from our thoughts. Thoughts such as, “I’ll never get everything done,” “This is too much,” “I can’t handle this,” or “I have to get this done.” This understanding is the linchpin to helping our teens deal with stress. The crux of the issue is not the size of their to-do list, but rather how they perceive and think about what they have to do.

7 Strategies to Support your Stressed-Out Teen


Tip 1: Remember that Stress is normal

Stress is a normal part of life, particularly for your teen. Far from being a problem, stress can actually help them grow, nudging them out of their comfort zone and developing resilience. As a parent, it’s important not to add to their stress but to process your own emotions about their stress before trying to help.


Tip 2: Show Understanding

Avoiding instant reactions to your teenager’s outbursts can ease stress. They probably already realize they’re not acting reasonably, but confronting them immediately can lead to further defense and justification. Instead, opt for a calm response and address the issue later when emotions have settled.


Tip 3: Listen and Validate their experience

When your teen is willing to talk about their stress, focus on active listening. Encourage them to explore WHAT they are feelilng instead of WHY and validate their feelings. Be curious and try to understand what they are experiencing. And, whatever you do, don’t give advice when they are feeling stressed. When they feel understood, they’ll be more receptive to your suggestions.


Tip 4: Encourage Breaks

Your teen might need to pause and distract themselves for a moment. Go for a walk around the block with them, take them to get a snack, or even encourage them to do a quick breathing exercise to help them dissipate the stress and clear their mind.


Tip 5: Meet the Physical Needs First

Ensure your teen’s physical needs are met, particularly sleep. Stress often disrupts sleep patterns, which adds even more stress. Encouraging enough sleep, proper nutrition, physical activity, and social connections can enhance their ability to manage stress. 


Tip 6: Take the Pressure Off

Teens often stress about living up to expectations, so make sure your expectations aren’t compounding their stress. Reassure them that their value is not tied to achievements but inherent in who they are. Your love for them is unconditional and not dependent on their grades or accomplishments.


Tip 7: Baby Steps

When overwhelmed, the task list can seem insurmountable. Help your teen focus on one thing at a time. Ask them, “What is one thing you can do right now?” This approach helps narrow their focus, highlighting what’s within their control and keeping them grounded in the present moment.


The most important stress management technique for teens

In essence, while our teenagers may not always need our intervention, knowing we’re there to support them can empower them to tackle their stressors head-on.

These seven tips offer a solid foundation to aid your stressed-out teen. Yet, the ultimate solution lies in teaching them stress management skills and helping them develop effective time management techniques that will serve them throughout their life.

Leading by example and demonstrating healthy stress and time management in your own life, is the most important thing you can do to teach these essential skills to your teen.  

To learn more about handling stress and overwhelm, join my Enjoy Coaching community where you will get immediate access to a library of resources and support to learn and teach these skills. See you inside!


Mentioned on the Show: